Smiling woman doing ok sign

Teeth Whitening

Coffee, tea, soda, tobacco products, and more can stain your teeth, causing your smile to lose its healthy luster and shine. Professional teeth whitening can eliminate surface stains and brighten your smile with safe and fast results. 
Dr. Podilsky has over 40 years of experience in the field of cosmetic dentistry and can whiten your smile at our Edmonton, AB, office. 

Why Are My Teeth Stained?


Patients with healthy teeth and gums can still have discoloration on their teeth. Naturally, your teeth will discolor with age as the white enamel layer diminishes and the yellow layer underneath, dentin, becomes visible. This process can be accelerated if patients regularly drink coffee, wine, soda, and other dark beverages and foods. 

Professional Tooth Whitening Has Many Advantages

Our practice uses professional Zoom® whitening to achieve bright white smiles for our Edmonton, AB, patients. Our professional tooth whitening treatments provide numerous benefits that you can't get with store-bought whitening products, like strips and toothpaste. Professional tooth whitening means:


Zoom treatment uses a 25% hydrogen peroxide whitening formula that is safe and comfortable, even for patients with sensitive teeth. The dentist can adjust the strength and amount of hydrogen peroxide to fit your needs, and our custom-fitted mouth trays won't irritate your gums like traditional one-size-fits-all trays you'd buy at the store. 

Fast Results

We can whiten the enamel of your tooth by up to 8 shades in just one session. On average, the dental treatment takes less than an hour and delivers immediate results, unlike whitening strips and toothpaste that gradually whiten the teeth over time. The dentist will add more bleaching gel when necessary and handle the entire process. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

Long-Lasting Results

Results with Zoom teeth whitening last an average of 1 to 2 years. Zoom uses a 25% hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel that's much stronger than over-the-counter tooth whitening products that contain about 5 to 10% hydrogen peroxide. Professional whitening is proven to be more effective than store-bought treatments and will give you the noticeable results you are looking for. 

Personalized Experience

Professional teeth whitening at our Edmonton, AB, office is customized to each patient. In-office, the dentist will adjust the amount and strength of the bleaching gel for your desired results. At home, a custom-fitted mouth tray can help you avoid leaks that come from store-bought one-size-fits-all mouth trays.

Simple Cosmetic Dental Procedure

Teeth whitening is one of the most straightforward and affordable cosmetic dental procedures. The treatment is painless, even for people with sensitive teeth. Our dentist can adjust the strength of the hydrogen peroxide to account for sensitivity. Teeth whitening is a simple way to enhance your features without undergoing surgery or committing to a structural change.

More Confidence

Your smile is a feature people notice right away, and feeling confident about your smile can make you a more outgoing and approachable individual. Professional teeth whitening is a great way to boost your confidence and enhance your overall appearance. Patients can confidently enter the world with brighter, beautiful teeth, smile for pictures, and make stellar first impressions.

"Teeth naturally darken with age and their appearance can be affected by the accumulation of surface stains acquired from the use of tobacco products and the consumption of certain foods or drinks." Canadian Dental Association

Take an Hour to Boost Your Confidence

Teeth whitening can help you achieve noticeable effects in just one hour. Whitening is also an affordable treatment compared to other cosmetic options. Patients looking to boost their confidence turn to our Edmonton, AB, office for professional teeth whitening. Schedule an appointment to whiten your teeth and brighten your confidence. Call us at:

(780) 428-6846

or send us a message to

Watch Dr. Podilsky Describe the Whitening Process

Zoom teeth whitening at our Downtown Edmonton, AB office is one of the fastest ways to lighten your tooth color. We start by coating your enamel in the whitening gel, taking special care to avoid your gums. Our dentist then activates the whitening agent with a focused beam of light. Watch as years of stains and discoloration disappear before your eyes.

In-office tooth whitening with Zoom typically takes one hour or less. However, if your teeth are badly stained, we may recommend multiple sessions.

Steps to Achieve a Whiter Smile

A smile can be the difference between a good or a bad first impression.
A smile can be the difference between a good or a bad first impression.

Join us for a Consultation

Come into the office for a consultation with Dr. Podilsky to see if you're a good candidate for teeth whitening. In this consultation, the dentist will answer all of your questions and inform you of the options you have moving forward. You'll choose between in-office teeth whitening or at-home teeth whitening.

Start Your In-Office Procedure

In-office treatments are a great option to begin the process of whitening your smile. If you've never had your teeth professionally whitened, in-person treatments allow you to get the smile you desire without having to complete the process on your own. The dentist begins the process by measuring the ideal amount of whitening gel. They will then apply the solution and keeps track of the time. 

Wait for Results

The entire in-office treatment takes about an hour. The trays stay on for 20 minute intervals. The dentist will periodically add more bleaching gel depending on your situation. With the focused light beam, the process moves much quicker than the at-home treatment, and your teeth are significantly whitened in one session. 

Keep Up Your Oral Hygiene 

Whether you choose in-office or at-home teeth whitening, the results can be extended with regular dental upkeep and dentist check-ups. Some patients combine in-office treatments with at home treatments for touch-ups.

We Offer At Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Our Edmonton practice also offers at-home professional whitening kits. The take-home whitening system provides the same dramatic results from the comfort of your home. We start by taking impressions of your teeth, which are used to create custom-fitting bleaching trays. When the trays are ready, they are sent to you along with a professional-strength hydrogen peroxide gel. Fill the tray with the bleaching gel and place it over your teeth. Patients should wear the trays for two to four hours (or overnight) every day for approximately two weeks to see the best results.

"Individuals contemplating tooth-bleaching should consult with a dentist to determine the cause of the tooth discolouration and to determine whether a bleaching treatment will have the desired result." Canadian Dental Association

See if You Qualify for Teeth Whitening

If you're unhappy with your smile, teeth whitening can restore your confidence. To determine if you qualify for treatment, schedule an appointment at our Edmonton dental practice today. Call us at:

(780) 428-6846

or send us a message and

Check Out Our Patient's Results

Before cosmetic dentistry
After cosmetic dentistry

Maintaining Your New Smile

While teeth whitening is not permanent, you can take steps to help your results last longer:

Avoid Staining Products

Stay away from certain darkly colored drinks that are known to stain teeth. If you choose to indulge in a coffee, soda, or glass of wine, try drinking through a straw to minimize contact with the enamel on the front of your tooth. After drinking these beverages, brushing or rinsing your teeth can also help you maintain a whiter smile.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

While whitening or bleaching toothpaste is usually ineffective on its own, it can help you maintain your bright new tooth color after professional treatment. These products won’t significantly brighten your teeth, but whitening toothpaste can help your teeth from discoloring further.

Practice Good Dental Care

Make sure to take good care of your teeth by brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day. Schedule regular dental check-ups at our Downtown Edmonton dental office and consider periodic touch-ups when the results start to fade. Patients often use our at-home whitening treatment to maintain their whitened smile between in-office dental visits.

"Although teeth are not naturally meant to be completely white, many Canadians want a brighter smile." Canadian Dental Association
Dr. Podilsky

Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer Are Dedicated to Personalized Care

Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer are qualified to care for your smile:

  • Over 40 years of experience
  • Membership with the Canadian Dental Association
  • Dedicated to ongoing training 
  • Membership with the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us today at (780) 428-6846.

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