Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Instant Smile Makeover Options

Dec 19, 2019 @ 05:55 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Smile Makeover Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain Veneers

A traditional smile makeover combines multiple cosmetic dentistry procedures, addressing numerous aesthetic flaws affecting your smile. Thanks to dental bonding, tooth-colored fillings, and gum contouring, we can dramatically enhance the appearance of your smile. Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky also offers instant smile makeovers to his Edmonton, AB patients.

An instant smile makeover can dramatically enhance your smile and its overall appearance, in less time than a traditional smile makeover. Let’s take a moment to discuss the basics of an instant smile makeover below. This will give you an idea of what it can accomplish and what to expect.

What Is an Instant Smile Makeover?

An instant smile makeover uses porcelain veneers to achieve all of the aesthetic enhancements a patient needs. Thanks to these thin shells of dental ceramic, many of the aesthetic issues that affect the front teeth can be masked and eliminated, helping you have a flawless smile in the process.

Problems That Porcelain Veneers Can Treat

Porcelain veneers can be used to treat the following cosmetic flaws:

How “Instant” Is an Instant Smile Makeover?

A traditional smile makeover can take months to complete. That’s because multiple cosmetic dentistry procedures need to be performed, and it can take a few weeks in between procedures to ensure optimal results.

An instant smile makeover is “instant” in a relative way. It only takes two dental visits about two weeks apart to complete. That’s much faster, and the outcomes can be just as effective and dramatic.

Ideal Candidates for Instant Smile Makeovers

The best candidates for smile makeovers are people who are dealing with cosmetic issues that affect the front teeth. They should be in otherwise good dental health and not have any serious structural issues affecting their tooth structure.

During the consultation process at our Edmonton dental center, we can discuss suitability for an instant smile makeover and other dental health and wellness concerns. Sometimes a traditional smile makeover will be recommended instead.

The Instant Smile Makeover Procedure

During the first instant smile makeover visit to the practice, the patient’s teeth will be prepped for veneers. That means that a small amount of tooth enamel will be removed from the tooth to accommodate the veneer. An impression is taken of the prepped tooth and sent to an off-site dental lab, where the final veneer is created. A temporary veneer is placed in the interim.

Once the final veneer is completed, it is sent to the practice. The temporary veneer is removed. The final veneer is checked for fit one last time before it is adhered in place.

The Results of an Instant Smile Makeover

The results of an instant smile makeover can be dramatic. The veneers blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile. Not only are they color-matched, they are also semi-translucent, which means that light passes through them much like your natural tooth structure. Few if any will be able to notice that you have porcelain veneers in place.

Speak with Skilled Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to learn more about instant smile makeovers and whether or not they are ideal for you, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and family dentist. You can reach our practice by phone at (780) 428-6846.