Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

What is the Best Toothpaste for Porcelain Veneers?

Aug 3, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky offers porcelain veneers treatment to improve the appearance of the teeth by concealing aesthetic flaws such as chips, cracks, dental stains, and minor misalignment problems. Veneers bond to the facial surface of the teeth.

Despite their strength, porcelain veneers are susceptible to damage, so it is important that patients do their part to keep these restorations strong and structurally sound. Good oral hygiene habits are vital to prolonging the lifespan of porcelain veneers. Dr. Podilsky can help his Downtown Edmonton, Alberta patients choose the best toothpaste for porcelain veneers. It is important that patients be careful about the type of toothpaste they use, as some can actually damage porcelain veneers.

Look for Minimally Abrasive Toothpastes

When patients are looking for a toothpaste that will protect porcelain veneers, it is especially important that they choose one that is minimally abrasive. Abrasive ingredients are not only bad for the natural teeth, but also the ceramic materials that make up porcelain veneers.

Harsh ingredients can gradually damage porcelain veneers, causing small scratches or imperfections that will cause porcelain veneers to lose their luster and bright, white color.

The only way for our Downtown Edmonton patients to be sure that their toothpaste is not too damaging on porcelain veneers is to check the ingredients label. Two ingredients most commonly found in toothpastes that should be avoided after porcelain veneers treatment are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate).

Opt for Gel Over Paste

When a person shops for toothpaste, the aisle is full of dozens of choices. With so many options to consider, patients can be easily intimidated. Rather than going over the ingredient list of every toothpaste on the shelf, our Downtown Edmonton patients can reduce their selection by opting for a gel paste.

Gel pastes are naturally gentler than paste options and are less likely to contain the abrasive ingredients that should be avoided after porcelain veneers treatment.

Avoid Whitening Formulas

Another way for porcelain veneers patients to limit their toothpaste selection is to avoid all toothpastes that are formulated to whiten the teeth. Naturally, patients want to preserve the color of their teeth and veneers following cosmetic dentistry treatment, but whitening toothpastes are not the way to go. Whitening toothpastes only work on tooth enamel, and will be ineffective on the ceramic materials that make up porcelain veneers.

Not only are whitening toothpastes unnecessary for porcelain veneers, but they can also be damaging to them. The most common whitening ingredient in these types of toothpastes is hydrogen peroxide. Since hydrogen peroxide is an abrasive ingredient, it can damage the surface of porcelain veneers and dull their appearance, rather than improve their color.

Contact Us

If you have undergone porcelain veneers treatment and have questions about how to care for them, Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky would be happy to provide you with more information. Contact us at your earliest convenience or call (780) 428-6846 to schedule an appointment.