Addressing Tooth Sensitivity to Hot and Cold By Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky on March 23, 2017

Woman with oral painPeople rely on their teeth throughout the day to bite into food and chew it into pieces that can be easily swallowed and digested. These everyday functions put a lot of wear and tear on the teeth. Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold is usually one of the first signs that the strength or structure of the teeth has deteriorated. At his dental practice, Dr. Nathanial Podilsky offers a full range of general dentistry services to preserve oral health and tooth strength.

However, when damage has already developed, Dr. Podilsky also offers restorative dentistry treatments to rebuild tooth strength. These treatments restore tooth structure to address oral health problems. Patients experiencing tooth sensitivity to hot and cold can undergo treatment at our Edmonton, AB practice to restore oral strength and comfort.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

When the teeth are strong and healthy, they are completely resistant to hot and cold temperatures. A cup of coffee that is hot to the touch usually has no impact on the teeth. So, why do hot and cold foods that were previously consumed without any issues suddenly cause sharp, shooting pain?

In short, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold is caused by exposure of the nerves that lie at the center of the tooth. These nerves are just as sensitive as other nerves throughout the body, but they are normally protected by a hard layer of tooth enamel. If tooth enamel becomes damaged in any way, these nerves can become exposed and tooth sensitivity is likely to become a problem. Below are some situations that can lead to heightened tooth sensitivity:

  • Tooth decay
  • Acid erosion
  • Root canal infection
  • Oral injury
  • Wear and tear from aging
  • Damage to old dental restorations

Treating Tooth Sensitivity

Because tooth sensitivity to hot and cold is caused by the exposure of sensitive nerves, it makes sense that the best way to treat tooth sensitivity is to restore a protective layer around the nerves and tissues. Since tooth enamel does not repair or rebuild on its own, restorative dentistry treatment is necessary to improve the strength and structure of the teeth.

Dr. Podilsky offers a comprehensive range of restorative dentistry treatments. Each of these is capable of repairing dental damage and restoring a protective layer around the center of the tooth. However, each type of treatment has its own applications and limitations, so it is important for Dr. Podilsky to customize a treatment plan that will best meet the unique needs of each of his patients.

Below are some of the most common treatment options for tooth sensitivity:

  • Dental bonding
  • Dental fillings
  • Inlays and onlays
  • Dental crowns
  • Root canal therapy

Contact Us

If eating and drinking has become painful due to increased sensitivity to hot and cold, you are likely in need of restorative dentistry treatment. To learn more about these treatment options and which may be most appropriate for your unique situation, contact us at your earliest convenience.

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Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer Are Dedicated to Personalized Care

Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer are qualified to care for your smile:

  • Over 40 years of experience
  • Membership with the Canadian Dental Association
  • Dedicated to ongoing training 
  • Membership with the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us today at (780) 428-6846.

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