Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Four Bad Dental Habits to Avoid at All Costs

Sep 16, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: General Dentistry Tooth Decay Restorative Dentistry

At the cosmetic and general dentistry practice of Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky, we strive to educate our patients about good oral health habits so that they can take the best care possible of their teeth and gums between visits to our practice. We give them tips on how to brush and floss properly, and we encourage them to visit our practice at least twice a year for thorough cleanings, periodontal screenings, and oral exams.

We also strive to educate patients about bad dental habits at our Edmonton practice, as avoiding such habits can be just as important as having good oral hygiene habits. One of the most obvious and dangerous bad dental habits is the failure to visit the dentist for regular exams. If you haven’t had a comprehensive oral examination within the past year, we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Podilsky today.

In the meanwhile, please take a look at the following bad dental habits, some of which might just surprise you.

Four Bad Dental Habits

The following are five bad dental habits that deviate from the usual warnings you might be used to encountering. Yes, too much sugar can be bad for your teeth - we assume that you know that already. These bad habits are a little less obvious than that:

Learn More about Dental Habits You Should Avoid

To learn more about dental habits both good and bad, please contact the cosmetic, implant, and family dentistry practice of Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky today.